Discover 3 Essential Secrets to “Marketing Lifestyle”

Every advertisement sells lifestyle no matter what the actual product: from gum, breathe mints, and deodorant to housing developments and world class vacations.

Real estate development advertisements always, whether they are townhomes, condos or single family houses, promote and appeal to a lifestyle. When attracting the baby boomers and empty nesters the ads appeal to a relaxed, recreational lifestyle. There are: tennis courts, golf courses, lakes, oceans and pools included to promote the lifestyle.

Car cleaning products sell a lifestyle of beautiful cars going to exciting places. Health products sell the lifestyle of outdoor activities: hiking, biking, and vacationing. Candles sell the elegant lifestyle of dining and the relaxing ambiance of having a romantic evening.

When it comes to “marketing lifestyle” start looking for a product that is in full alignment with your integrity and honesty. A product that truly builds a lifestyle, for people, and you feel good and sleep well; in other words, making money with a totally clean conscience.

Being in balance and offering a product that truly gives people a rich lifestyle is a win/win for both the seller and the buyer.

There are three essential secrets to marketing a lifestyle product.

First, the product must be able to build a lifestyle of wealth; and the seller must feel great about offering it. Getting rich has to be in alignment with your integrity. You want to be able to have a 100% clear conscience knowing you’re giving value and you have peace of mind every night when you lay your head down.

The product has the potential to easily earn you money, you feel good about the sale, and you have a system in place to help others to do the same thing.

The second secret in “marketing lifestyle” is the product truly promotes both time and money freedom. People want time freedom. They are leaving the five days a week rat race so they can free themselves up and make money as well. They are willing to take the time to be highly engaged in a new project, but they want the ability to choose their hours and not be a slave to traffic rush hours, commuting to work and endless boring meetings.

The third secret in marketing a lifestyle product is to be able to offer a real community of like minded people. A community of people who are: highly engaged in learning new things, networking, building teams, and making new friends. The community offers support, encouragement and fun.
Consulting with a lifestyle and business coach can help you define what you are looking for and give you the direction and goals you need to move forward.

I offer two free coaching sessions to guide you on your inward journey so you can set goals and design an action plan to move you toward your goals.

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